Resources for the Year 6 to 7 transition process

Supporting a positive transition to secondary school in 2023

The department has developed more detailed guidance to help primary and secondary schools to support an effective transition to secondary school for Year 6 students moving to secondary school in 2023, in the context of the disruption to schooling over the past few years. Refer to Supporting a positive transition to secondary school in 2024 (DOCX)External Link . This resource should be read in conjunction with the information contained in the Transition Year 6-7 Guidance and Resources tabs.

Year 6 to Year 7 placement information packs and the placement timeline for 2022 to 2023 has been moved to Year 6 to 7 placement.

Planning and preparation for transition

A toolkit for transition clusters: primary to secondary (DOCX)External Link has been developed to support clusters of schools to collaborate in the development of a comprehensive and shared primary to secondary school transition strategy. It describes a process that was used to assist five Victorian government school clusters to develop or review their cluster strategic plans for transition and provides examples of the tools that aided this process. The tools from the toolkit are also provided as individual documents:

Transition for students with a disability

The following guidelines provide information and advice to support and implement positive and effective transitions for students with a disability and additional needs.

Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School: Supporting students with additional or complex needs that arise from disability (DOCX)External Link .

The guidelines include:

  • an overview of the transition planning process including key elements and considerations
  • suggested timeline and checklists for transition planning activities
  • Transition Statement templates that schools may use to strengthen their transition processes
  • information on student support and targeted programs
  • contact details and links to resources and additional information.

Schools may use these steps with consideration to the unique needs of the student and their educational settings. The student’s parent/carers are also involved in the transition process.

Vulnerable students

Resources and case studies:

Student involvement

There is increasing attention placed on listening to the voices of students about transition, and schools should continue to explore how students can be involved appropriately in their own transition planning process.

The VicSRC Transitions Project Report (PDF)External Link identifies 6 recommended area around which the Year 6 to 7 transition can better be supported.

Teaching frameworks

Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO)

Applying the FISO Improvement Cycle to Year 6 to 7 transitions

The Improvement cycle is a holistic approach that can:

  • help develop and implement identified improvement initiatives
  • be used at a number of levels, whether at whole school, class or individual levels (including being used for initiatives targeted at a specific year level, such as transitioning Year 7 students).

Four key components of the Improvement Cycle can be applied specifically to transitions, refer to:

Additional resources

Addressing the gender differences in Years 6 to 7 literacy and numeracy outcomes

A summary of past research and research findings from investigating practices in English and mathematics classes in Victorian secondary schools. To view these in full, refer to:

Student data transfer

A range of additional support materials have been developed to provide schools information and assistance with the student data transfer process.

For CASES21 support queries contact Service Desk on 1800 641 943.

Student wellbeing

Student Transition and Resilience Training (START)

START incorporates:

  • the latest evidence on adolescent learning and development
  • key predictors of positive resilience in young people
  • students’ learning and wellbeing needs during the Year 6 to Year 7 transition period
  • strategies to enhance students’ learning and resilience during their transition from primary to secondary school.

START features a teacher resource and a student workbook, handouts and portfolio, which form a set of activities that can be tailored to students in either Year 6 or Year 7.

The activities are intended to support students' ongoing reflection and personal development throughout their transition period, including students who may not have used the resource in Year 6.

Additional social and emotional learning resources

For further information on creating and maintaining safe, supportive and inclusive learning environments, refer to:

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 07 June 2024

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