School operations

Planned Maintenance Program

Guidelines for VSBA-led funding allocations

The information in this section applies to schools with rolling facilities evaluation (RFE) projects in circumstances where:

  • shelter-in-place works are required
  • there are defects requiring a specialist trade investigation
  • the school has a poor condition rating (that is, the school has an overall condition rating less than 3.25) or
  • the nominal project value is greater than or equal to $50,000.

This section also applies to schools with non-RFE projects.

This section also applies to schools that request their school-led project to be led by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA).

Schools will be assigned a dedicated VSBA project officer as their point of contact who will work with the school throughout the entire delivery process.

The VSBA completes VSBA-led projects in 2 broad stages:

  • Report and estimate: the VSBA engages a principal design consultant to prepare a detailed scope of works based on the results of the condition assessment report (milestones 1 and 2)
  • Works delivery: the VSBA engages a contractor to deliver the scope of works on site (milestones 3 and 4)

The process for a VSBA-led project is detailed below.

  • Milestone activities

    The VSBA engages an architect to prepare a scope of works in consultation with the school. This stage is called the report and estimate.

  • Milestone activities

    • The architect prepares documentation to go out to tender for head builders (listed on the construction suppliers register).
    • The architect evaluates the tender submissions and prices received and makes a recommendation to the VSBA and the school regarding the preferred builder.
    • The VSBA signs contracts with the successful builder.
  • Milestone activities

    The architect manages the builder throughout the construction phase and the VSBA is responsible for the administrative components of the project (completing relevant paperwork, paying invoices, and so on).

  • Milestone activities

    Once construction works have been completed, there is a 6 month defects liability period where the builder is contractually obliged to rectify any issues that arise as a result of their workmanship. Once this period has ended, the project is complete.

Guidelines applying to schools that receive over $50,000 in Planned Maintenance Program (PMP) funding

Reviewed 29 May 2024

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