School operations

OHS Induction and Training

5 Review of OHS training for employees

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the level of competency for all employees including HSR(s) is current and recorded in the OHS Training Planner/RegisterExternal Link or equivalent template.

Circumstances where a review of employee competency levels may be required include:

  • failure to safely use and operate equipment
  • occurrence of an incident resulting from the person (i.e. employee, contractor or volunteer) performing the task
  • holding a certification which has expired (e.g. an expired licence)
  • the task / process or equipment has been changed and requires all persons to re-demonstrate their competency

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the review of the OHS Training Planner/Register or equivalent template is to be scheduled into the OHS Activities CalendarExternal Link or equivalent template.

Chapter 5 of the OHS Induction and Training Procedure on recording and reviewing the level of competency of all school employees

Reviewed 14 June 2024

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