School operations

OHS Induction and Training

4 Identify competencies and schedule training into the OHS Training Planner/Register

The principal and/or their delegate in consultation with the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) and employees, identify and schedule OHS training into theOHS Training Planner / RegisterExternal Link or equivalent template for each individual employee to assist in closing competency gaps. The assessment takes into account the work activities of their position / role, and any OHS risks associated with the conduct of these activities including the level of supervision required.

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure the OHS Training Planner / Register or equivalent template is kept up to date and reviewed when training needs are identified. A copy of the completed planner is retained on an annual basis as evidence of completed or scheduled training.

Chapter 4 of the OHS Induction and Training Procedure on identifying OHS training needs for school staff

Reviewed 14 June 2024

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