Policy last updated

22 April 2022


  • Schools

April 2022



The purpose of this topic is to provide schools with an overview of the department’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy, including:

  • the actions schools are required to undertake to support the implementation of this policy
  • the role of schools in supporting healthy and safe working environments.


  • The Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy (PDF)External Link outlines the department’s commitment to support, promote and protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees, visitors, volunteers and contractors.
  • Schools contribute to the department’s commitment to health, safety and wellbeing by adhering to relevant occupational health and safety (OHS) policies and procedures.
  • Schools are required to display the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy on their OHS noticeboard and/or make it available to staff through appropriate communication channels.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy strives to build accountability and responsibility in employee health, safety and wellbeing, ensuring healthy and safe working and learning environments in all department workplaces. It achieves this by:

  • recognising a legal and moral commitment to building a positive workplace culture, ensuring healthy and safe working and learning environments
  • consulting, collaborating and communicating with the department’s workforce, including schools, to achieve positive health, safety and wellbeing outcomes
  • driving continuous health, safety and wellbeing improvement
  • fulfilling relevant health, safety and wellbeing legislative and compliance obligations
  • supporting the prevention of workplace injuries and ill health.

Schools contribute to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy by following the framework of policies, procedures and objectives set out by the department’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). For more information about the OHSMS and associated requirements for schools, refer to OHS Management System (OHSMS) Overview.

It’s important that the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy is communicated to all department employees, including school employees. Schools are required to share the policy with their employees, either through display on an OHS noticeboard and/or through appropriate communication channels.

The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy aligns with the department’s obligations under:

Downloadable policy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy (PDF)External Link

Relevant legislation



There is no further guidance for this topic. For more information, refer to the Resources tab.



Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy (PDF)External Link – a signed copy for display on the school’s occupational health and safety (OHS) noticeboard or shared with all staff through virtual channels.

Reviewed 21 April 2022