
This advice assists Victorian government schools to create positive climates for learning and to support student behaviour.


Schools can find information and advice on promoting positive behaviour, prevention and early intervention strategies, a tiered response approach for student behaviour and wellbeing and professional learning opportunities in the Guidance tab.

Schools are expected to consider, explore and implement positive and non-punitive interventions to support student behaviour before considering disciplinary measures such as detention, withdrawal of privileges or withdrawal from class. Information about these consequences are set out in the Guidance tab.

Schools are responsible for ensuring a local school wide Student Engagement Policy is in place and that appropriate mental health and wellbeing supports are available for students. Refer to Student Engagement for policy requirements and guidance.


Refer to definitions in Guidance

Relevant legislation


For information about behaviour support strategies:
Principal Practice Leader-Education
Professional Practice Leadership Division
Schools and Regional Services
Phone: 03 7022 0528

For information about school-wide positive behaviour support framework:
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support Unit
Phone: 03 7022 1383

For information about detention and other consequences:
Regional officesExternal Link may be contacted for queries regarding detention and other consequences

Department policy on supporting student behaviour to best assist learning

Reviewed 12 September 2024

Policy last updated

19 August 2024


  • Schools
  • School councils
  • All Department staff


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer to the contacts heading at the foot of the page

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