Policy last updated

27 June 2024


  • Schools
  • School councils

January 2020



The purpose of this policy is to support the knowledge, understanding and skills of school council members and provide guidance on improving governance.


  • School council members can strengthen their performance by developing skills, knowledge and contributions through professional development.
  • School council training modules are offered free of charge by the department to school council members, in 3 formats – virtual live, face-to-face or interactive online.
  • School council members, including student members, are strongly encouraged to attend virtual live training, face-to-face training or access the interactive online modules.
  • The School Council PortalExternal Link (principal or business manager login required) contains an online self-assessment tool has been developed to provide information and support to members in assessing their effectiveness as a group. School council members can use this tool to help them identify areas of strength and areas for improvement and training.
  • An effective school council reviews the skills and expertise of members and aims to build knowledge and capacity across the group.
  • Further information on developing good governance and school council skills and expertise is available on the Guidance tab. See also the Resources tab for tools and information.


Good governance enables the school council to

  • perform efficiently and effectively
  • respond strategically to changing demands and educational challenges
  • strengthen community confidence in the school council.


Improving school governance training modules

The Improving school governance (ISG) training modules have been developed to improve the knowledge, understanding and skills of:

  • school council members
  • school council presidents
  • school principals.

The ISG package consists of 5 online modules:

Virtual live and face-to-face training

Virtual live and face-to-face training is delivered by trained facilitators, using video conferencing or on site. The training provider, Synergistiq will liaise with school councils who have booked training, to ensure informative and effective delivery.

This training covers 4 of the ISG training modules:

  • governance
  • finance
  • strategic planning and
  • school council president.

Virtual live and face-to-face training is delivered free of charge to school councils of Victorian government schools. Virtual live training is available to all school councils.

To book or register interest in virtual live training for any of the 4 modules, schools or school councillors can contact Synergistiq:

Face-to-face training

From 2024, face-to-face training is restricted to school councils that fit one or more of the following criteria:

  1. councils whose members may have low digital literacy or may face challenges in accessing online training
  2. rural councils with limited internet access
  3. culturally and linguistically diverse councils
  4. councils experiencing internal conflict
  5. councils hosting training at the beginning of the year to improve council cohesion.

Councils that fit any one of these criteria may apply to Synergistiq to have their school council training session run as face-to-face. For face-to-face training schools must fill out and complete the Book to host an ISG training event formExternal Link .

Councils who fulfil any of the above conditions, or who have a large number of members hoping to attend a session (10 and above) are also able to arrange a private online session using the Book to host an ISG training event formExternal Link .

Interactive Online training

School council members can also access an interactive online training program featuring videos and activities on the 5 ISG training modules.

School councillors can self-register to access the Interactive Online training through The Big Canvas learning management system (LMS) and complete these modules in sections, in their own time and pace.

Online training can be accessed individually or in small groups, at a time and place convenient to participants.

Training can be completed as a whole module or in part. Participants can bookmark and return to a module at a later time.

Completion certificates can be downloaded at the conclusion of each online module.

Access online interactive training modules for school councillorsExternal Link .

Training trailer
Promotional video

School governance – additional support

School council induction video

This induction video provides a summary of:

  • the purpose and responsibilities of school councils
  • the roles and duties of school council members.

Principals and school council presidents may use the video:

  • as general information for school councils
  • for recruiting prospective members, or
  • for the induction of new school members.

Induction for new members

All new members to school council will benefit from a supportive and encouraging induction to fulfil the duties of a school councillor.

Principals are encouraged to send a welcome letter to new members of school council. A sample letter can be found in the Resources tab of this policy.

Below is a list of supports new members may require.

Participation in meetings

Some new members may require additional information to participate fully in school council meetings, including:

  • advice on department language
  • meeting protocols and conventions
  • motions
  • agendas
  • asking questions
  • confidently speaking to an agenda item.

Induction support may include:

  • providing a mentor who is trained to brief new members before and after meetings
  • viewing the School Council Induction video
  • a supportive meeting structure that encourages participation including:
    • a glossary of terms and acronyms
    • report templates
    • encouraging new members to propose or second motions and participate in discussion
  • principal and president meeting with new members to discuss the role of school councillor
  • providing new members with responsibilities that will ensure they are included and accountable. These responsibilities may include membership of subcommittees and working groups and can be increased as their knowledge and capacity increases.

Department requirements and processes

New council members may also need support to understand department requirements and processes, especially around:

  • legal issues
  • policy content and requirements
  • school data
  • budgets and other financial information
  • strategic planning.

The induction program may include:

  • the opportunity for new members to
    • participate in school council training and
    • be made aware of, and use, the department’s resources relating to school councils
  • access to appropriate school documentation
    • strategic plans
    • Annual Report
    • Annual Implementation Plan
    • budgets
    • policies
  • meeting key school staff such as business and HR managers and curriculum and wellbeing coordinators.

Training and induction specifically for student members

Student school council members are encouraged to participate in training offered by the department, in consultation with the principal.

Where training takes place within school hours at the school at which the student attends – training is to be treated as an incursion.

Where training takes place outside of school grounds – this is to be treated as an excursion.

Where the training is outside of school hours or off-site, principals are required to:

  • obtain informed consent from parents or carers, for their child to participate in school council training
  • ensure adequate supervision arrangements have been made.

The principal in consultation with the parent or carer is required to have clear arrangements about how a student council member is travelling to-and-from training.

Where a student member is participating in the training, the principal is responsible for:

  • providing evidence of parent or carer permission to the training providers
  • providing the trainers with a copy of an excursion consent form signed by the parent or carer.

Time management

Student members may also need support managing their time with study, council and other commitments, for example, senior students need to focus on assessment and exams at various times of the year.

It is recommended the principal and/or school council president:

  • liaise with student members’ parents to ensure they are aware of requirements, meetings and times
  • ensure that teachers are aware of the student members and their time commitment to school council.

School council self-assessment tool

The school council self-assessment tool located in the School Council PortalExternal Link (principal or business manager login required) is designed to be used by school council as a group providing discussion and support to members in:

  • evaluating their effectiveness as a collective
  • identifying areas for improvement.

Principals will be able to access an online version on the School Council Portal. As a group, council can discuss and review the self-assessment statements.

Further information on governance and the responsibilities and functions of school council can be found at School Council – Powers and Functions.

A self-assessment instructional video can be found in the Resources tab.

Relevant legislation


School Council — Training and Developing Good Governance Guidance

This guidance provides information on effective school council governance and how to build school council capabilities.

This guidance contains the following chapters:

  • Overview
  • Effective governance
  • How to build school council capacities



School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools, and being a member of the school council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Working as a team, school councils support schools to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.

Although each school council member brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role, school council members may need to develop skills and acquire knowledge in areas that may be unfamiliar to them. These might include developing the broad direction and vision for the school, building community partnerships, interpreting data or financial statements, maintaining and building the school’s facilities and understanding legislative and policy requirements.

The effectiveness of a school council relies on both the skills and expertise of its individual members and on council working as a team.

School council members will have a diversity of experiences, perspectives, information, connections and skills to carry out their governance functions. While all individuals bring value, some may be better prepared to serve on school council than others.

As individuals, school councillors should consider what understandings and capabilities they have, and what they can do to build their skills and expertise. As a team, it is recommended school councils identify the skills and expertise they need in order to be effective and take steps to build their capabilities where possible.

Effective governance

Effective governance

Characteristics of an effective school council

An effective school council is one that:

  • has a clear understanding of its role and responsibilities
  • focuses on improving student learning outcomes and educational opportunities from a governance perspective
  • involves the school community in conversations about key issues and challenges
  • is actively involved in the development of the School Strategic Plan
  • promotes parent and community participation and communicates with the community to seek views and feedback
  • includes members who represent the diverse views of the school community
  • has clear and consistent processes for decision-making
  • maintains high ethical standards
  • has members with trust and respect for one another
  • regularly reviews and evaluates its own performance
  • appropriately delegates to individual members and sub-committees
  • allocates time to its own growth and development, through induction and training.

An effective school council supports the development of strategic partnerships, programs and activities the school has developed to achieve the goals in the school strategic plan.

Roles and responsibilities

Effective school councils understand their roles and responsibilities. They understand the difference between their governance responsibilities and the operational responsibilities of the principal and school staff.

The functions of a school council are outlined in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)External Link . For detailed guidance and information on school council functions, refer to School Council – Powers and Functions.

Reviewing how school council is operating

It is good governance for a school council to regularly review and assess how it operates. It is recommended that the council members complete a self-assessment of their knowledge, skills and operating procedures, following the election process. This could be at a council meeting in term 2. However, councils may vary this timing to suit their needs.

The assessment of skills and knowledge may also coincide with a school review, or the school development of a new strategic plan, developing a specific policy or if the council and school are beginning a major program.

As part of this review, councils may consider their Standing Orders, their sub-committee structure and the effectiveness of their meetings. It is important that school councils – and individual councillors – work effectively, but also that they know they are working effectively and efficiently.

The council might also consider the following:

  • Preparation: Does our council have a clear sense of how it will conduct proper governance? Do our members have relevant governance experience and an understanding of process?
  • Capacity and composition: Does our council have the diversity and experience to reflect the community and its needs and expectations? Do our councillors have the time to do the job properly? Does our council have the financial skills to oversee the school budget?
  • Structure: Does our council have the best structure to be effective? Do we need a separate sub-committee or working group to consider a specific issue?
  • Clarity: Does our council understand its roles and responsibilities? Are all our councillors fulfilling their role?

A strategic way to review the effectiveness of the council is to survey members, then discuss the results either in small groups, and/or as a whole. A school council self-assessment tool has been developed to support school councils with this process. The self-assessment tool is a working document for council members and can be located online in the School Council PortalExternal Link (principal or business manager login required).

The skills and particular expertise a school council should have to assist in its key responsibilities, include:

  • financial literacy
  • strategic planning
  • community engagement
  • facility management
  • policy making
  • ethical decision-making.

It is recommended a school council offer all members experience and training in these key areas. Regular review of school council skills and capabilities will help determine which skills can be developed and enhanced.

The review can begin with the self-assessment tool distributed to all members of council. This tool will help members as a group, to reflect, discuss and identify their capabilities when matched against the roles and responsibilities of the council. Most school councils will identify some areas for improvement. They may agree that they wish to further develop particular capabilities. It is important all council members have an understanding of governance and that the council as a whole has the capacity to monitor and oversee strategic planning, finance and support the school priorities.

A self-assessment instructional video can be found in the Resources tab.

School council skills and expertise

An effective and pro-active school council is a key factor in having a successful school. The most effective school councils have a range of skills and expertise – or a good understanding of how to source additional knowledge and advice.

How to build school council capacities

How to build school council capacities

The completion of the school council self-assessment tool located in the School Council PortalExternal Link (principal or business manager login required) should identify the skills and expertise of council. Other desired skills may be identified from within the wider school or local community and readily available to school council (for example, on the school staff or from within a parent group).

However, this assessment should also identify those required skills that are not available or not established. It is recommended council determine what is needed to correct this. Such action could include:

  • offering Improving School Governance training to school councillors, either collectively or individually
  • learning as you go: have less experienced council members shadow those with more experience
  • the use of sub-committees and working groups to support priorities and activities
  • co-option of skilled individuals as community members of council (where vacancies exist)
  • employment of expert consultants as necessary (e.g., architects, web designers)
  • inviting particular individuals to school council meetings to provide advice
  • re-structuring existing council to enable members to better use their skills (for example, appoint as treasurer a member with financial background, or establish a working group to source quotes for a particular project)
  • collaborating with other schools and school councils to share information and skills
  • running workshops with school councillors and others in the school community to focus on particular issues, and considering using professional associations to facilitate these
  • upgrading or adopting technology to improve the council’s effectiveness.

School council can then decide on the most appropriate steps to take to meet the identified skills development.



School council training

Improving school governance training modules

Improving school governance (ISG) consists of 5 modules, including a table of contents. The modules have been developed to improve knowledge, understanding and skills of school council members, school council presidents and school principals.

The ISG training package comprises 5 modules:

Virtual live and face-to-face training

Virtual live and face-to-face training is delivered free of cost to school councils of Victorian government schools, through Synergistiq.

For face-to-face training schools must fill out and complete the Book to host an ISG training event formExternal Link .

For further information and to book a training session, visit: Synergistiq School Council TrainingExternal Link .

Interactive online training

School councillors can self-register to access free interactive online training through The Big Canvas learning management system (LMS).

Online training can be accessed individually or in small groups, at a time and place convenient to participants.

To access the Interactive Online training visit: The Big Canvas Interactive Online trainingExternal Link

Councillors are to be formally reminded about the availability of governance training through tabling the Improving school governance fact sheet (DOCX)External Link at the first meeting annually.


The School Council Induction Video (available on the Policy tab) provides a summary of the purpose and responsibilities of school councils, as well as the roles and duties of school councillors.

Principals and school council presidents may use the video as general information for school councils, for recruiting prospective councillors, or for the induction of new school councillors.

A Welcome to school council letter (DOCX)External Link has been prepared for principals. Principals are encouraged to use this letter when welcoming new members onto school council.

Self-assessment tool

This self-assessment tool provides support and guidance to school councils in evaluating their effectiveness as a collective council. Group discussion and reflection using the self-assessment process help school councils identify areas for improvement. Refer to: School council self-assessment tool (DOCX)External Link or the tool can be accessed through the School Council PortalExternal Link (principal and business manager login required).

Self-assessment video

This video provides a summary of:

  • the purpose of the self-assessment tool
  • the steps to take to complete the self-assessment task.

Watch the Self-assessment video on VimeoExternal Link .

Principals and school council presidents may use the video:

  • to undertake a review of their school council activities
  • to assess their school council activities.

Reviewed 13 April 2023