School operations

Professional Learning Communities

Preparing for and implementing professional learning communities

Preparing for professional learning communities

The first step in becoming a professional learning community (PLC) school is identifying the members of the school’s pilot PLC who will lead PLC implementation in the school. Typically, the pilot PLC will include a member of the principal team, and a group of instructional leaders and experienced teachers.

The department provides pilot PLC members with free professional learning to develop the knowledge, skills and mindsets for PLCs, and support the pilot PLC to implement its first improvement cycle. The number of staff who attend will vary depending on the school’s size and context. Topics covered include 'Creating culture' and 'Leadership for PLCs'.

Implementing PLCs

After completing core professional learning, the pilot PLC leads PLC implementation within the school. This process typically begins with the pilot PLC completing a number of improvement cycles to further develop the knowledge, skills and mindsets required to lead PLCs in the school.

Over time, additional PLCs are established across the school until all teachers and school leaders are working in PLCs. Depending on school size and context, this may take some time.

Includes information on preparing for and implementing professional learning communities

Reviewed 12 September 2023

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