Policy last updated
19 November 2024
- Schools
From 1 January 2025, All Graduates Interpreting and Translating (All Graduates) is the new provider for language services (interpreting and translation).
This policy outlines the requirements and available services to Victorian government schools relating to communicating with parents and carers who require interpreting and translation assistance.
All department funded kindergarten services and eligible support services can also access interpreting and translation services. Please refer to Use an interpreter in early childhood education for further details.
- Schools must offer interpreting and translation services to parents and carers who have limited or no English language skills to communicate key information about their child’s education.
- Schools must use the department’s provider, All Graduates Interpreting and Translating (All Graduates), to access funded interpreting and translation services.
- Information on how to access this service is available on the Guidance tab.
- The department covers the cost of a range of interpreting and translation services, as detailed in this policy and the Guidance tab.
- The costs for interpreting and translation services for full fee-paying international students are not met by the department and must be paid by the school.
The department provides funding for interpreting and translation services to support children and young people:
- who are enrolled in Victorian government schools
- whose parents are from a language background other than English and require communication to be undertaken in their first language.
Further details of the availability of interpreting services are outlined in the Interpreting services guidance chapter.
This department funding does not cover costs for interpreting and translation services for full fee-paying international students. These costs must be paid by the school.
Offering interpreting and translation services
Schools must offer interpreting and translation services to parents and carers who have limited or no English language skills to communicate key information about their child’s education, such as for parent-teacher interviews or other one-to-one meetings.
Wherever possible, schools should also offer interpreting and translation services for other school communications such as consent forms, newsletters and letters to parents or carers.
Interpreting and translation services provider
Schools must use the department’s provider, All Graduates to access department funded services – refer to the Guidance tab for information on how to access this service. The services can be used for:
- parent-teacher interviews
- information dissemination
- discussions about educational progress, integration, careers or pathways, welfare or discipline
- student services assessments. The nature of the assessment (for example, speech pathologist, psychologist, social worker, and visiting teacher) must be included in the booking
- discussions about transition to primary or secondary school
- discussions about student enrolment.
Any requests not included in the categories listed above are classed as 'unusual situations' and require approval from the department. All Graduates is responsible for determining whether department approval is required and will work with the department to obtain this approval.
The services are not available to assist individual students in classrooms or to support curriculum-related activities or group events such as assemblies, graduations or performances. Refer to EAL Support and Funding for further information on supporting EAL students in the classroom.
Any questions regarding these services should be directed to All Graduates via email to de.enquiries@allgraduates.com.au
Related policies
Guidance on accessing interpreting and translation services
This guidance outlines how Victorian government schools access interpreting and translation services for parents and carers who require interpreting and translation assistance. The guidance includes the following chapters:
- Interpreting services
- Booking an interpreter
- Telephone interpreting service
- Translation assignments
- Procedures for requesting documentation
- Cancellation
- Complaints
Interpreting services
Interpreting services
On-site, telephone and video interpreters are available for the following categories/assignments:
- parent teacher interviews
- information dissemination
- individual student support (for example, educational progress, integration, careers/pathways, welfare, discipline)
- student services assessments – note:
- the nature of the assessment (for example, speech pathologist, psychologist, social worker, and visiting teacher) must be included in the booking
- transition to primary and/or secondary school
- student enrolment
- school focused youth services, includes telephone, school or home-based discussion with parent/carer
- primary school nursing programs, includes telephone, school or home-based discussion with parent/carer
- secondary school nursing programs, includes telephone, school or home-based discussion with parent/carer.
The above categories and notional times (60 minutes/90 minutes) do not require prior approval from the department.
Any requests not included in the categories listed above are classed as 'unusual situations' and require approval from the department. All Graduates is responsible for determining whether department approval is required and for working with the department to obtain this approval.
Note: Costs for interpreting and translation services for full fee paying international students are not met by the department. Costs for these students must be met by the school.
Booking an interpreter
Booking an interpreter
Prior permission from the department to book an interpreter is not required for most interpreting services.
However, in some situations All Graduates will require permission from the department before accepting the booking.
To book an interpreting service, schools must register with All Graduates to establish an account and receive a PIN.
To register your school, email de.enquiries@allgraduates.com.au or call 03 9605 3051.
Services can then be booked online or by phone:
- Online – visit All to make a booking. Each user is required to enter their username (usually the account holder's email address) and a PIN (provided by All Graduates).
- Telephone – Call 03 9605 3051 to make a booking (8:30am to 6:00pm , Monday to Friday). Each user is required to quote their pin number (provided by All Graduates on registration).
- Emergency bookings – the emergency number is available for any issues that may occur at the booking commencement time and for a genuine interpreting emergency (24 hours, 7 days a week) on 03 9605 3051.
To access an on-demand interpreter:
- Call 03 8104 9006 (8:30am to 6:00pm Melbourne Local Time, Monday to Friday). Each user is required to enter their PIN number (provided by All Graduates on registration). If you forget your PIN or don’t have access to it, please contact All Graduates for assistance.
Confirmation of bookings can occur upon request by the person/service placing the booking at the time the booking is made. Confirmation by All Graduates will be provided by the preferred method of communication, either by phone or email.
Booking procedures
Booking an interpreter as soon as possible after a need has been identified increases the likelihood that an interpreter will be available for the preferred time. Where possible, bookings should be made at least 5 business days before the interpreter is required. All Graduates will allocate an interpreter to the booking as soon as possible and then send a confirmation email (generally within 3-5 days).
Interpreting services should be arranged during normal business hours whenever possible. However provision for out-of-hours services is available (for example, parent-teacher interviews).
During periods of high demand, such as when end of term parent–teacher interviews are being undertaken, longer notice may be required, for example 10 business days’ notice. Longer notice may also be required when a more highly accredited and experienced interpreter is required to be assigned to the booking, for example, when the communication involves complex or sensitive information.
Unless otherwise requested, a minimum 90 minute booking period per engagement will apply. However, a 60 minute booking period is available upon request. Where a shorter booking period applies, consideration should be given to using telephone interpreters instead of on-site interpreters where appropriate (for example, low complexity matters).
For parent–teacher interviews, schools are required to arrange appointments to maximise the use of interpreters during the period for which they are booked.
Booking details
The specific language(s), dialect (if relevant), time and duration, purpose, precise location and contact person must be specified.
Requirements relating to the assignment need to be specified at the time of booking. For example:
- gender
- specific interpreter.
For schools, all interpreter bookings must be authorised by the principal.
Unable to provide interpreting service
Notification that All Graduates is unable to provide an interpreter for a booking will be provided (via the preferred method of communication) as soon as possible with provision to reschedule as required.
During periods of high demand and bulk bookings, such as when end of term parent–teacher interviews are being undertaken, access to on-site interpreting may require earlier than 10 business days coordination with All Graduates. In some cases, greater flexibility may be required in terms of mode of communication, such as opting for video conferencing where possible.
Telephone interpreting service
Telephone interpreting service
A telephone interpreter service facilitates 3-way communication and video interpreting. This service is cost effective and easier to arrange, as it allows for greater flexibility and can be scheduled quickly to meet immediate needs. Telephone interpreting is available between 8:30 am and 6:00 pm.
On-demand phone interpreting for schools
For an on-demand phone interpreter, please call 03 8104 9006. Each user is required to enter their PIN number (provided by All Graduates on registration). Waiting time for this service is minimal, and in most situations all parties will be linked within minutes. All Graduates also offer video interpreting.
Urgent bookings outside normal business hours (8:30am am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday) will incur additional costs and should only be made if necessary, or during extenuating or emergency situations.
Telephone interpreting may not be appropriate in some circumstances, such as for student services assessments which must be conducted in person, or if the interview is likely to be longer than 60 minutes.
Telephone interpreting can be booked in advance and is recommended for less common .
Briefing the interpreter prior to commencing the interpreting assignment can also occur by connecting to the interpreter in advance.
Please refer to the All Graduates Welcome Pack, available on the Resources tab, for instructions on using All Graduates telephone interpreting service and a list of interpreting phone numbers for parents and carers. Alternatively, email All Graduates at de.enquiries@allgraduates.com.au or call 03 9605 3051 for more information.
Note: A staff member must participate in the telephone interpreting call. Telephone interpreters cannot be used to pass on a message.
On-demand phone interpreting for parents and carers
For parents and carers needing to contact a school with the help of an interpreter, the All Graduates guide How to use an interpreter to contact your (DOCX), available on the Resources tab, provides dedicated telephone numbers for the top 30 most commonly requested languages. Parents and carers can call the required language telephone number to be connected with an interpreter who will facilitate communicating with the school. For all other languages, parents and carers can contact All Graduates at 03 9605 3053 to assist.
Translation assignments
Translation assignments
Translation services are normally available for schools only under the following categories of work. Word limits must be strictly adhered to.
- key item for newsletter – 500 word maximum
- notice – 750 word maximum
- information on program/activity – 750 word maximum
- learning support material – 1,000 word maximum
- specialist school/transition support material – 750 word maximum
- individual education plans – 500 words maximum.
Key items for newsletters should provide important information which is relevant to the whole school community.
Notices might include details of school enrolment, parent information meetings, consent forms and requests for parental support.
Information on programs/activities might include details about whole school programs, learning support programs, student services or communication about individual students on areas such as careers, welfare or discipline.
Learning support material might include Student Support Services reports (for example, cognitive, speech and language or psychosocial assessments) to identify additional learning needs and address barriers to learning and engagement.
Specialist school transition support material might include assessments dedicated to supporting students with additional or complex needs transition from a specialist school to a mainstream school setting.
Individual education plans might include learning goals and support for students facing additional challenges adjusting to school life.
Requests for the translation of documents which fall within the categories of approved translation assignments and which meet the word count limit set for each category will not require approval from the department. However, if there are concerns about a request meeting the guidelines, All Graduates will require approval from the department before accepting the translation request.
Schools are not able to access translation services to translate lengthy documents such as school charters, policy documents and general individual student reports. Schools will need to meet translation costs where services fall outside the translation guidelines.
The department does not provide for requests to translate documents relating to policy or services of other government departments. Schools should check with these departments to see if translations are available.
Translation services are not normally available outside the approved categories of work unless there are extenuating circumstances. Enquiries for such services should be directed to All Graduates (for contact details refer to Procedures for requesting translations at the following chapter of these guidelines).
Procedures for requesting translations
Procedures for requesting translations
To request a document translation, schools should visit the All Graduates client booking and:
- Submit a School Translation Request (DOCX)
- Upload electronic documents for translation.
Following these steps will help ensure a request is processed quickly and without delay.
Schools must prepare the document in A4 size using Microsoft Word, ensuring it is in running text format without complex layouts or special formatting and adhering to approved categories and word limits. The text should be written in plain English.
Note: Any costs incurred for special typesetting, layout requirements and words in excess of the established limits (see above) will have to be met by schools.
Where requests meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines, All Graduates will complete the translation and provide the school with the translated file in PDF format.
Non-approval of translation requests
Where requests do not meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines, the school contact person will be notified by All Graduates. Costs for translation requests which fall outside these guidelines are not met by the department and must be paid by the school. For requests which fall outside these guidelines, schools must make arrangements directly with All Graduates.
At least 10 business days are required between receipt of the request for the relevant translation and the provision of the service. However, in exceptional circumstances, and based on the urgency of the request, a shorter timeline may be approved subject to the availability of translators.
Record keeping
Schools must:
- maintain a record of all translation assignments consistent with the Records Management policy
- ensure all translation requests are authorised by the entity’s nominated coordinator.
For help with your translation request:
- email de.translations@ allgraduates.com.au
- phone 03 9605 3051
All Graduates will send booking reminders via email 48 hours before the scheduled appointment. Bookings that are no longer required should be cancelled as soon as possible to avoid late fees. Cancellations can also be made online via the client portal. Bookings must be cancelled during business days and more than 24 hours' notice must be provided.
Fees will apply where a booking is cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice. The cancellation fee will depend on the duration and type of service booked.
Interpreting and translating services are provided at a substantial cost to the department and making unnecessary payments to the service provider significantly impacts on the allocated budget for this service.
There may be some circumstances where a short cancellation notice is unavoidable, however, every effort must be made to comply with the cancellation terms to avoid unnecessary charges. Schools may be required to meet interpreter costs where there is repeated non-compliance with the cancellation terms.
Complaints about the quality of services provided by All Graduates should be raised directly with All Graduates in the first instance via email at feedback@allgraduates.com.au
If this method does not resolve the matter, please contact the department via email at language.services@education.vic.gov.au
Translated key department documents
Information for parents relating to key department initiatives has also been translated into several languages, see below:
All Graduates Welcome Pack
All Graduates Welcome (DOCX)
All Graduates Welcome (PDF)
The All Graduates Welcome Pack has been distributed to all schools. This pack contains:
- Contact Directory
- On-Demand Telephone Interpreting for Professionals Instructions
- FAQ Working with Interpreters
- FAQ Pre-Booked Video & Telephone Interpreters
- How to Submit a Translation (DOCX)
- School Translation Request (DOCX)
Supporting resources
Guide for Families: How to use an interpreter to contact your (DOCX)
Guide for Families: How to use an interpreter to contact your (PDF)
Identify your language (PDF)
Reviewed 12 March 2020