Policy last updated

2 July 2024


  • Schools

February 2020



The purpose of this policy is to ensure all government schools have:

  • sufficient insurance for:
    • buildings
    • motor vehicles
    • public liability
    • construction
  • access to sufficient and affordable travel insurance for students.


  • The department has insurance cover for the following areas:
    • school buildings and property
    • public and property liability
    • school council contract works (construction)
    • business travel.
  • Schools and school councils must be aware of the department’s insurance processes and requirements (as set out in the Guidance tab) and manage their insurance requirements accordingly.
  • Department insurance policies do not cover:
  • School councils requiring insurance that is additional to the coverage provided by the department are required to contact the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) to arrange cover. This does not apply to WorkCover – refer to Workers Compensation.
  • Schools can access ‘Certificates of Currency’ from the Resources tab to demonstrate adequate insurance cover from the department.
  • Insurance claims will be handled through one of the following parties depending on the nature of the claim:
    • Legal Division
    • Victorian School Building Authority
    • VMIA
    • WorkCover.
  • The department may decide to indemnify school councils (as a body corporate separate to the school council members) for claims of common law negligence and employment disputes (including for claims of discrimination).
  • A school council (as a corporate entity) will not usually be indemnified for other types of school council liability, such as GST and taxation, or functions that are not directly related to the administration of a school.


What you need to know

It is important that principals and business managers are able to identify which risks to school finances or operations are covered by the department's insurance and which are not. The guidance sets out the insurance policies managed by the department and how they are applied to schools.

Schools and school councils may decide to independently insure against risks not otherwise covered by the department’s insurance policies.

The department arranges all insurance policies through the VMIA. All policies expire on 30 June each year.

The department elects to self-insure $5 million of the Public Liability Policy and $3 million of the Property Policy. Claims falling within these limits are handled by the department and are subject to internal policy and/or processes.

Types of insurance held by the department

The department has different types of cover for different situations.

Schools and school councils do not need to arrange their own insurance for these situations as the department has insurance for:

  • Public and Products Liability for School Councils, employees and volunteers
  • property and building (damage to entitled school buildings, facilities and equipment covered under the School Equipment Coverage Scheme (SECS))
  • damage caused by construction works at schools, where the construction project has a value above $50,000 and the project is approved by the VSBA. Where projects have a value of less than $50,000, schools must ensure the appointed builder provides evidence of construction insurance including coverage for existing buildings on the school’s premises
  • business travel insurance for people travelling on department business.

Note: personal injury claims for employees fall under Workers' Compensation.

For more information about what is covered and how to claim against these policies refer to the Guidance tab.

Allied health employees

The department has insurance arrangements in place for allied health employees, including Student Support Services employees such as psychologists and speech pathologists. These insurance arrangements do not cover work undertaken in a private capacity.

School Equipment Coverage Scheme

The School Equipment Coverage Scheme (SECS) is a self-insured scheme managed by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA). It covers damage or loss of some school-owned equipment due to natural events and criminal acts.

SECS covers some school-owned equipment such as computers, photocopiers, mobile phones, video cameras, musical equipment and books valued at more than $10.

For more information refer to: School Equipment Coverage Scheme (SECS) Guidelines for SchoolsExternal Link .

Certificates of currency

Occasionally schools will be asked to supply proof that the school is adequately covered by the department through insurance. This is provided by way of a Certificate of Currency (also known as a Confirmation of Cover). It is a summary of the cover provided.

Please refer to the DET Public Liability Certificate of Currency available in the Resources tab which covers Public and Products Liability for:

  • State of Victoria and its government departments, corporations, public bodies under statute, authorities, boards, councils, committees, trustees, cemetery trusts, ministerial advisors and any other party the state government minister elects to insure
  • the Department of Education and Training
  • school councils
  • work experience participants
  • structured workplace learning
  • cleaning, waste disposal and basic maintenance for sole traders
  • Merit Protections Board
  • Disciplinary Appeals Board
  • Independent Panel for School Dispute Resolution
  • Centrelink volunteers (excluding Work for the Dole and/or Community Work participants)
  • Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.

Certificates of currency for all relevant policies are also available in the Resources tab.

What is not covered by department insurance?

Department insurance policies do not cover:

For more information about personal accident and ambulance coverage refer to Accident Insurance, Ambulance Cover and Private PropertyExternal Link (also available in the Resources tab).

School Councils requiring insurance that is additional to the coverage provided by the department are required to contact the VMIA to arrange cover. This does not apply to WorkCover.

School council liability

School councils face potential liability claims and, in some circumstances, will be indemnified by the department – refer to: School Council — Liability and Legal Proceedings.

If a school council is unable to meet its liability, the department will consider whether to take over the claim and cover the legal costs and associated damages on a case-by-case basis. If the school council intends to approach the department to request that it assumes liability, the request should be forwarded to Legal Division with a full briefing.

What happens if a claim is made against the department or a school council?

Depending on the nature of the claim, it can be processed through:

  • Legal Division
  • Victorian School Building Authority
  • VMIA
  • WorkCover.

For more information, refer to the Guidance tab.

Schools and school councils wanting to claim against any insurance policy must follow the claims procedures set out in the Guidance tab.

Resources and further information

The department provides extensive information to schools regarding insurance matters. For further guidance and resources related to insurance please refer to the Guidance tab and Resources tab.

Relevant legislation

Other relevant contacts

Insurance support

Schools requiring assistance with insurance coverage should contact

Victorian School Building Authority

For matters relating to school buildings, fixtures and fittings:

  • Make-Safe Program
  • Reinstatement and Preventative Maintenance Procedures
  • School Equipment Coverage Scheme

Phone: 1800 896 950

Department Incident and Security Operations Centre

Phone: 1800 126 126

For matters including negligence claims, personal injuries and property damage

Phone: 03 9637 3146




This guidance provides schools with information about insurance matters.

Schools must ensure they are aware of and apply the Department’s processes and requirements.

This guidance contains the following chapters:

  1. Introduction
  2. Insurance policies
  3. Certificates of currency
  4. Claims procedures
  5. School council expenses not covered by the Department
  6. Definitions

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 General information

The Department of Education and Training (the department) arranges all insurance policies through the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA). The policies all expire on 30 June each year. All data contained in this document should be used as a guide only.

School councils requiring insurance that is additional to the coverage provided by the department are required to contact the VMIA to arrange cover. This does not apply to WorkCover.

Where an incident occurs causing damage to any individual or property, schools should contact the department’s Incident and Security Operations Centre on 1800 126 126. For more information on incident management refer to Reporting and Managing School Incidents (including emergencies).

2. Insurance policies

2. Insurance policies

2.1 Public liability insurance

2.1.1 Department insurance arrangements

The department, as an agency of the State Government, holds Public and Products Liability Insurance with total cover of $1 billion for any one claim and in the annual aggregate for all claims. This policy protects the department against:

  • claims for personal injury (including death) suffered by third parties – i.e. people who are not employees (employees are covered by WorkCover)
  • claims for loss, damage to or destruction of other people’s property.

The department and/or its employees must be legally liable for the policy to respond. For example, if a student is injured at school and lodges a claim against the school, the student and/or their parents must establish that the school staff failed to take reasonable care to protect the student from an injury that was reasonably foreseeable.

The policy has a $5 million self-insured retention (SIR), with the cost of claims within that figure borne by the department. These claims are managed by the Legal Division. All enquiries about a potential claim should be directed to Legal Division on the below contact details:

Legal Division
Phone: 03 9637 3146

2.1.2 Indemnities for school councils, members and volunteers

School councils

A school council is a body corporate constituted under section 2.3.2 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)External Link .

The department may decide to indemnify school councils (as a body corporate separate to the school council members) for claims of common law negligence and employment disputes (including for claims of discrimination).

A school council (as a corporate entity) will not usually be indemnified for other types of school council liability, such as GST and taxation, or functions that are not directly related to the administration of a school.

Refer to School Council Liability and Legal Proceedings.

School council members

School council members are further protected by a legislative indemnity. This protects school council members against liability incurred by the school council caused by any actions reasonably carried out by school council members in good faith during the course of their duties as school councillors. Refer to section 2.3.32 of the Education and Training Reform Act (Vic) 2006 and School Council Liability and Legal Proceedings.

Volunteer school workers
Injury or damage caused by volunteers

Volunteer school workers and volunteer student workers are protected by section 37 of the Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic)External Link which effectively provides that the school council (and not the volunteer) is liable for anything done, or not done, in good faith by a volunteer while performing activities on behalf of the school.

Injury suffered by volunteers

Volunteer school workers and volunteer student workers are also covered as if they are employees if they are injured in the course of the volunteer work. Refer to Part 5.6 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Work for Centrelink payments volunteers

The department has a separate Personal Accident Policy for those persons undertaking voluntary work at schools as part of their Centrelink payment commitments. For information about this policy contact Mike Roleff at

Damage to volunteer’s property

Volunteer school workers, including Centrelink volunteers and volunteer student workers may seek compensation from the department for damage to their property sustained in the course of their volunteer work.

2.1.3 Use or hire of non-school facilities

Schools regularly use municipal or shire council facilities, shopping centres, local streets and other facilities to conduct educational programs, fund raising activities and functions for the benefit of students and the local school community. Schools are often required to produce evidence of Public Liability Insurance cover for use of these facilities.

Schools must provide a Public and Products Liability Certificate of Currency if requested as evidence in these circumstances. Please refer to the Resources tab to download copies of relevant certificates.

Note: You are not required to produce evidence of Public Liability insurance when dealing with a local council. The department’s insurer, the VMIA, has entered into an arrangement with Liability Mutual Insurance, (the insurer of most Local Councils in Victoria) under which neither the department nor the Local Council need to supply proof of insurance when hiring each other’s premises.

Should a local council insist on evidence then you should refer them to the VMIA websiteExternal Link .

School councils must not agree to indemnify other parties

A School Council does not have authority to agree to indemnify a third party. School councils must not sign any document agreeing to indemnify other parties. For example, school councils must not indemnify a school camp provider or excursion provider when entering into arrangements for that school camp or excursion.

The department will not indemnify or insure other parties

The department’s Public Liability Policy will not, under any circumstances, be extended to cover the legal liability of other parties. The department will not agree to endorse its Public Liability Policy to provide other people or organisations with indemnity nor will it agree to insurance in joint names. School councils do not have the authority to enter into such arrangements.

It is recommended that organisations hiring out facilities to schools such as local sporting ovals, civic centres and theatrettes have their own public liability insurance to cover their negligent acts that result in injury to persons using the property or damage to school equipment. Always ensure they have adequate public liability insurance before using their facilities by requesting a copy of a Certificate of Currency.

Should an organisation insist on an indemnity or for the school’s policy to include their name as a condition of hire, schools must:

  • take all reasonable steps to make clear that the department’s insurance does not provide such cover and
  • not proceed with the hire of that facility.
Risk management

Before making the use or hire of school facilities available, school councils should ensure that reasonable care will be exercised at all times to avoid or minimise the risk of injury or property damage from the use or hire of the facilities. Whilst insurance can cover financial loss, it does not cover such risks as reputational loss, which can also be harmful to the school. A good risk management program can minimise the chances of such events happening

Refer to Risk Management.

2.1.4 Use of school facilities by third parties

The department’s public liability insurance coverage does not extend to third parties using school facilities. Schools are advised to approve any third party use of school facilities in writing, including that the department’s insurance does not extend to any injury or damage caused by the third party.

Schools may make their facilities available for use by third parties and this is encouraged by both the Victorian and Commonwealth governments. Refer to: Community Use of Schools — Hiring, Licensing and Community Joint Use Agreements.

The following groups are not required to provide evidence of public liability insurance when hiring school premises: not-for-profit community groups engaged in low risk activities such as book reading groups, some special interest groups, foreign language tuition.

The following groups are required to obtain and provide to the department evidence that they have $10 million public liability insurance when hiring school premises:

  • any group (including not-for-profit) engaging in high risk activities
  • all for-profit/commercial organisations
  • any group required to have insurance by their association (for example, incorporated sporting clubs)
  • any group required to have insurance for regulatory purposes.

High risk activities are activities that pose a significant risk to school property, personnel, students or other members of the public. This would include, for example, fireworks displays, bouncing castles, horse riding, animal shows, woodwork and mechanical activities and fun fair activities involving machinery.

For the groups requiring $10 million public liability insurance, schools must ensure the group provides the school with a Certificate of Currency evidencing that they have public liability insurance up to $10 million.

2.1.5 Public liability insurance for sole contractors

The department arranges public liability insurance with the VMIA on behalf of certain contractors who have difficulty obtaining insurance cover.

The department’s insurance cover applies to the following contractors:

  • school cleaners that are sole traders or in partnership (not companies)
  • school refuse and garbage disposal
  • general basic maintenance by the school handy person.

The contractors must have no employment other than the work they carry out at schools to be covered by the department’s Public Liability Insurance.

Only those contractors that meet the criteria above are covered under the department’s Public Liability Insurance Policy.

If the contractors do not meet the above requirements, then they are not covered by the department’s Public Liability Insurance Policy and need to supply a Certificate of Currency as evidence that they have obtained public liability insurance with a minimum policy limit of $10 million, and that the policy is current and placed with an APRA registered insurer. For template contracts for engaging contractors refer to:

Schools can contact Schools Procurement for support when engaging a contractor at

Schools can contact Legal Division for advice on engaging a health professional to provide services at school at or on 03 9637 3146.

The VMIA has placed very strict conditions in the department's Public Liability Insurance Policy in this regard.

Claims for damage or loss caused by a contractor covered by the department’s Insurance Policy are handled directly by the VMIA. Schools can complete the claim form which can be accessed via the VMIA Make a Claim pageExternal Link . This link is to the VMIA’s 'Insurance — Making a Claim' web page and has clear instructions on the process required. Schools can download a claim form — Public Liability Claim (PDF) — or use the online incident reporting form.

For all enquiries regarding School Cleaners please contact: Department of Education and Training, School Cleaning Advice Line via email:

2.2 Property insurance

2.2.1 Department insurance arrangements

The Property Insurance Policy protects the department against the cost of loss, destruction or damage to property owned by the State of Victoria or the Minister. Examples of insured perils include fire, storm and tempest, explosion, water damage, earthquake, burglary, boiler explosion and flood. This policy has a limit of $3.625 billion for any one loss or series of losses arising out of one event, with the cost of claims under $3 million being self-insured and borne by the department.

A specimen insurance policy wording can be found in the Resources tab.

2.2.2 Schools

Buildings, fixtures and fittings

School buildings, fixtures and fittings are included in the department’s Property Insurance Policy, however it would be rare for any event to exceed the policy excess. Typically, and depending on the amount of the loss and the type of fixture/fitting, the cost of incidents may be borne by the school or by the department.

In certain circumstances the department can reinstate damaged buildings/infrastructure back to its original condition. It is department policy to only replace facilities to the extent of the school’s designated facility area. For more information see the Capacity and Area Allocation Advice.

Schools that have sustained damage through an incident or event must ensure the safety of everyone onsite and contact the department's Incident and Security Operations Centre on 1800 126 126.

Schools should also contact the Make-Safe service provider on 1300 133 468 to respond to the incident. The VSBA, through its service provider, will make the site of the incident or event safe for staff, students and the community. After the initial steps to make the affected areas safe, the VSBA completes an assessment to determine whether further works are required. This assessment may result in the reinstatement of all or part of the damaged facilities.

School councils are encouraged to obtain separate insurance cover for any facilities outside of their facility area to be satisfied that these could be replaced when they are damaged or destroyed. Additional insurance can be purchased from the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA). Facilities constructed under the Building Education Revolution (BER) program are always considered within a school’s designated facility area and are therefore covered under the department’s Property Insurance Policy. Schools can identify which buildings were constructed under BER on their SAMS plans, accessible via the School Facilities Profile websiteExternal Link (login required). For more information on the Make-safe Program, refer to the policy for schools on Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Compliance.

Electronic and other specified equipment – School Equipment Coverage Scheme

The School Equipment Coverage Scheme (SECS) is a self-coverage scheme of the department managed by Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA). This scheme covers specified contents in schools.

Most importantly, the SECS does not cover leased or hired equipment. Most lease or hire agreements require the lessee (the School Council) to take out insurance to cover replacement or repair of the leased/hired equipment.

Information about the SECS can be found in the SECS GuidelinesExternal Link in the Resource tab.

Enquiries relating to the SECS policy or Reinstatement should be directed to the VSBA at or on 1800 896 950.

2.3 Principal controlled Construction Risks Insurance

Department insurance arrangements

The department has arranged Construction Risks Insurance with the VMIA.

What is 'principal controlled'? This means an insurance contract arranged and controlled by the department, not the builder.

The policy covers:

  • contract works up to $200,000,000 – loss or damage to property which is to be used in the course of construction during the construction period from various causes – this includes portable classrooms including fixtures, fittings and contents supplied by the department whilst the works are in progress to a limit of $2 million
  • Public Liability $500,000,000 – legal liability for personal injury and damage to other property arising from the construction works.

The department, school councils, the builder, the builder’s sub-contractors together with construction and project managers are all covered by the policy. Construction plant and equipment is not covered by the policy.

The policy is subject to the following deductibles which the builder is responsible for paying in the event of a claim:

  • Section 1 Contract Works $10,000 each and every claim
  • Section 2 Public Liability
    1. $50,000 in respect of worker to worker liability claims
    2. NIL for all other injury claims
    3. $10,000 in respect of any other claim – for example, damage to another person’s property.

A specimen insurance policy wording can be found in the Resources tab.

2.4 Travel insurance for teachers and students

Department insurance arrangements

The department has 2 travel insurance arrangements. These are:

  1. Business Travel insurance with the VMIA which is travel funded and undertaken on the business of the department, that is arranged through Procurement Division
  2. School Travel Insurance facility with the VMIA which provides coverage to schools that arrange study tours and the like for students and accompanying teachers, where the cost of the travel is borne by students and their families.

School travel insurance

Schools can arrange the purchase of travel insurance for school-based travel provided through VMIA.

The cost per person for school-based travel is:

  • international travel insurance – $60 inclusive of charges
  • domestic travel insurance (beyond 50 km from school) – $18.15 inclusive of charges.

To arrange and pay for school-based travel insurance:

Schools may contact the VMIA Client Advisory Team on 03 9270 6900 or by email if they do not have access to the VMIA client portal or are experiencing difficulties applying.

2.5 Insurance arrangements for school councils

School councils must arrange their insurance requirements with the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (with the exception of WorkCover for school council employees).

Typically, school councils have purchased insurance for facilities that are not within a school’s entitlement and/or assets that are not insured by the department through the School Equipment Coverage Scheme. These assets include leased photocopiers, leased IT equipment, shade sails, playground equipment, fencing, ride on lawn mowers, security/surveillance equipment, solar systems, artificial turf or playing surfaces and so on.

A summary of the current insurance policies available through the VMIA are detailed below:

  1. Property Insurance – Provides property cover for over-entitled buildings and/or buildings funded by the school, leased equipment and/or other equipment which the department does not provide coverage for under the School Equipment Coverage Scheme and includes glass replacement and theft of cash.
  2. Public Liability – Schools may arrange additional public liability coverage (through the VMIA) to provide protection to external parties involved in hall hire, community use of school facilities and market stall holders if required. Schools must otherwise ensure external parties have and show evidence of their own public liability insurance (unless they are a not-for-profit entity engaging in a low risk activity – refer to 2.1.4 Use of school facilities by third parties above).
  3. Group Personal Accident Insurance – This covers all enrolled students for accidental bodily injury that results in loss of life, permanent or temporary disablement, broken bones or dental procedures, ambulance and other non-Medicare medical expenses, damaged clothing, and kidnap and ransom events.
  4. School Council Motor Vehicle Insurance – This covers loss or damage to school-owned vehicles and anyone who drives a vehicle for school business. Schools must insure all school-owned vehicles with the VMIA. Refer to: Buses – Owned, Hired or Chartered by a School and Vehicles (Excluding Buses) – Owned or Hired by a School.
  5. Motor — Special Contingency – This covers damage to motor vehicles and motorcycles owned or leased by the insured persons while parked in the school’s car park.
  6. Motor — Loss of No Claim Bonus – This covers loss of ‘no claim bonus’ and ‘excess’ for designated staff and volunteers in the event of accident where their comprehensively insured private vehicle was being used on authorised school business.

Full details of the various policies including terms and conditions are available through the VMIA website together with copies of policy wordings and a broad range of FAQs. Visit the VMIA School Councils pageExternal Link .

3. Certificates of currency

3. Certificates of currency

Occasionally schools will be asked to supply proof that the school is adequately covered by the department through insurance. This is provided by way of a Certificate of Currency (also known as a Confirmation of Cover). It is a summary of the cover provided.

Schools may be asked to supply proof of the following covers:

  1. Public Liability:
    • school activity – use of non-school facilities
    • work experience/work structured learning
    • contractors – refuse removalists, school cleaners, basic maintenance works
  2. Property:
    • Property Insurance
    • Contract Works Insurance

These certificates, and copies of VMIA policies, are available in the Resources tab.

4. Claims procedures

4. Claims procedures

All claims against the department or school council for:

  • personal injury of people who are not employees or
  • loss, damage or destruction of property not owned by the department or school council.

must be referred to Legal Division at or on 03 9637 3146.

For more information about this process refer to Legal Claims, Subpoenas, Summonses and Other Legal Documents.

4.2 Claims by volunteer workers

4.2.1 Injuries

Injury claims by volunteer school workers or volunteer student workers should be managed according to the Workers’ Compensation policy. Centrelink volunteers who are injured during the course of their school activities should contact the Financial Compliance Unit: refer to the Policy tab for contact details.

4.2.2 Property damage

Property claims by volunteer school workers, Centrelink volunteers and volunteer student workers for damage in the course of their volunteer work should be referred to Legal Division at or on 03 9637 3146.

4.3 Damage to facilities (fire, flood, storm and so on)

The VSBA’s Make-Safe Program assists schools that have sustained damage through an incident or event. Schools in this situation must ensure the safety of everyone onsite and contact the department's Incident and Security Operations Centre (ISOC) on 1800 126 126.

Schools should also contact the Make-Safe service provider on 1300 133 468 to respond to the incident. The VSBA, through its service provider, will make the site of the incident or event safe for staff, students and the community. Under certain circumstances, the program may reinstate school facilities to an operational standard.

For further information, schools can contact the provision planning officers at the regional office (refer to these contact detailsExternal Link ) or the VSBA at or on 1800 896 950.

For more information on the Make-safe Program, refer to the policy for schools on Buildings and Grounds Maintenance.

4.4 Damage to electronic and other specified equipment – School Equipment Coverage Scheme (SECS) only

All claims for SECS covered assets should be lodged with the Victorian School Building Authority via AIMS. Refer to the AIMS school equipment coverage scheme guidanceExternal Link in the AIMS Knowledge CentreExternal Link (staff login required) for further information.

4.5 School Council Insurance Program

Claims for damage or loss to non-entitled buildings or over-entitled buildings and/or contents arranged under the VMIA School Council insurance program are required to be made via the VMIA Client Portal.

4.6 DE Teacher and Principal Notebook Program

Apple notebooks only

To initiate a claim for loss or damage, please email:

ACER notebooks only

To initiate a claim for loss or damage, please contact ACER by phone: 1300 139 211.

4.7 Construction Risks Insurance (damage to construction works or injury/damage caused by them)

Information about any claim or potential claim that comes to the knowledge of the school, especially any claim for injury resulting from the works, must be reported as promptly as possible as follows:

To make a claim, the project builder should complete the claim form accessible through the Make a claim pageExternal Link on the VMIA web site. This link is to the VMIA’s 'Insurance – Making a claim' webpage and has clear instructions on the process required.

4.8 WorkCover

WorkCover Claims by employees should be managed according to the Workers’ Compensation policy.

4.9 School travel insurance claims

School travel insurance claims should be managed directly with the VMIA. Schools should lodge their claims via the VMIA Client Portal.

5. School council expenses not covered by the department

5. School council expenses not covered by the department

Refer to: School Council — Liability and Legal Proceedings

6. Definitions

6. Definitions

Approved community work
As defined in section 5.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic): community work engaged in by a student of a registered school and approved by the principal of the school as school community work.

Centrelink volunteer
A person who undertakes unpaid work at a school to qualify for Centrelink payments.

School work
As set out in section 5.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic):

  • the carrying out of the functions of the school council of any Government school
  • the carrying on of any activities for the welfare of any Government school:
    • by the school council of that school; or
    • by any parents’ club or association or other body organised to promote the welfare of the school; or
    • at the request of the principal or the school council of the school or of any body referred to in subparagraph (ii) above
  • the giving of any assistance in the work of any Government school or the provision of a preschool program by the school council of any Government school
  • attendance at meetings in relation to Government schools convened at a State or regional level by any body receiving financial support from the Government; or
  • attendance at meetings in relation to Government schools in any region being meetings convened by the Secretary.

Volunteer school worker
As defined in section 5.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic): a person who without remuneration or reward voluntarily engages in school work.

Volunteer student workers
As defined in section 5.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic): a person who, without remuneration or reward, engages in approved community work.



Certificates of Currency

Accident and ambulance cover


Template contracts for engaging contractors

Schools can use these template contracts when engaging contractors to provide services at school as they cover public liability insurance requirements.

Frequently asked questions

Library of VMIA resources

VMIA policies


Other resources

Reviewed 03 March 2020