Policy last updated
28 November 2024
- Schools
This policy outlines the requirements for schools in receipt of career education funding.
- Career education funding is provided to Victorian government secondary schools including specialist schools and English language schools, to provide career education activities to all students in Years 7 to 12.
- Schools in receipt of this funding must ensure students in Years 7 to 12 participate in a planned program of career education activities and have access to appropriate support services.
- Schools must complete a series of steps to support the career pathways of students leaving school without completing Year 12, including convening a formal exit interview with a career practitioner or other relevant staff member.
- For information on how career education funding is calculated, refer to Career Education Funding (Reference 91) of Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives.
Career education funding supports Victorian government secondary schools, including specialist schools and English language schools, to provide career education activities to all students in Years 7 to 12.
Importance of career education
Career education is a core responsibility of secondary schools that supports students’ life-long learning and wellbeing.
Best practice career education helps students:
- understand their interests, strengths and aspirations
- learn about their education, training and employment options
- explore and experience occupations, workplaces and industries
- develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours to make confident and informed career decisions during and after school
- plan what they need to do to achieve their goals.
Key career education activities
All government secondary schools receive career education funding and are required to deliver a planned program of career education activities for students in Years 7 to 12, including 4 key activities.
1. Annual career action planning
Schools must support all students in Years 9 to 12 to develop an individual annual career action that is linked to any personalised learning and support plans (such as individual learning plans). Schools must provide a copy of the student's career action plan to their parents and carers along with their student reports.
2. My Career Insights
Schools must support all students to participate in My Career , as appropriate to their needs. The program includes the Morrisby career diagnostic tool and an unpacking meeting with an independent career consultant. My Career Insights is available to Year 9 students, or for students at specialist schools and alternative settings, after age 15.
3. Work-based learning
Schools must provide all students with access to work-based activities appropriate to their needs, such as:
- industry or community organisation exposure programs
- Tech programs
- work experience
- structured workplace learning
- school based apprenticeships and traineeships.
4. Career counselling
Schools must provide all students with career before students choose their senior secondary subjects and further education and training courses.
Career counselling is an important service that supports students to make well-informed choices about their school learning and post-school pathway.
It is recommended that career counselling discussions are documented in the student’s career action plan.
Additional services and activities
All students must be provided access to targeted career education and support services appropriate to their needs, including:
- student welfare coordinators
- student support services
- community-based agencies or programs
Requirements for students leaving school before completing Year 12
If a student is leaving school before completing Year 12, schools must ensure that:
- a transition from school form has been completed if the student is of compulsory school age – refer to Exemption from School Attendance and Enrolment
- the student has had a formal exit interview with a career practitioner or other relevant staff member that includes:
- counselling of options
- referral to relevant education or training institutions
- referral to appropriate transition support programs or agencies, and
- provision of any relevant documentation to support the young person’s transitions
- at the time of exit, the exit destinations of young people in Years 10 to 12 has been recorded in for transmission to the department following the February Census.
Access the CASES21 administration user guide chapter (staff login required).
Schools are required to follow up with all students who leave school early (without completing Year 12) within 6 months of them leaving school. If they are not in education, training or employment, the school must refer them to an appropriate agency.
Reporting requirements
Reporting requirements for 2024 are yet to be determined. They will be communicated to schools as soon as information is available.
How career education funding is calculated
Find out how career education funding is calculated from the Student Resource Packages – Targeted Initiatives guidance.
Related policies
- Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives: refer to Career Education Funding (Reference 91)
There is no further guidance for this topic.
Career education planning and improvement
The Career Education Planning and Improvement (CEPI) Tool helps schools implement a high-quality career education program.
The tool includes 10 benchmarks that represent best practice in career education, guided by Australian and global research.
School leadership and career education teams can use the CEPI Tool to self-evaluate their school’s career education practice and identify areas for improvement.
Initiatives and programs
The department provides several career education initiatives that schools may access, including:
- Career – information to support delivery of a career education program that helps students make informed career decisions and equip themselves for their future
- Careers and Pathways on Arc – resources to support career education in Years 7 to 12
- My Career – a program that provides access to the Morrisby career diagnostic tool, followed by a one-on-one career counselling session with an external qualified and accredited careers practitioner
- My Career – an online careers e-portfolio that allows students to create an online career action plan and keep all of their career planning documents in one place
- School to – a program that supports schools to find appropriate work experience and structured workplace learning placements for students
- Head – a program that provides support for school-based apprenticeships and traineeships
- Trade & Tech – a career expo for female and gender diverse students that demonstrates the exciting world of trade and tech industries
Parent communication
The department also provides supporting information for families, including:
- Career and course exploration with your – a guide to parent participation in career education
- Talk to your child about their – a guide to assist parents to navigate discussions about careers with their children
- Study options in Years 11 and – a guide to the key pathways for students’ final years of school
Reviewed 23 February 2024