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4 mins 24 secs
This video provides a summary of how to access, complete and submit the new Declaration of School Council Membership.

[Starting screen shows the video title ‘School Council Declaration Instructional Video’]

[Video footage of school students and school council members is displayed]

As the principal of the school and Executive Officer of a school council, you are responsible for the smooth running of the school council election and reporting the election results to the department.

The election process needs to occur within a strict time frame.

The election must be completed on or before March 31.

You must then report the new school council membership to the department, by April 30.

[Animated image of a computer screen is displayed that shows the online school council declaration form]

To streamline this process, a new online Declaration of School Council Membership form, (formerly known as Schedule 7) is now available.

[Video footage of a person typing on a computer keyboard is displayed]

This simple tool will help you complete the essential task of informing the department of council members, as well as any vacancies. Let’s have a look at this tool in more details.

[Animated screen captures of the online form are displayed while the narrator describes the process, step by step]

[Step 1 – login screen is displayed]

Using your principal log in credentials, log into the school council portal.

[Step 2 – starting screen is displayed]

Click ‘Declaration of School Council Membership’.

[Step 3 – introduction screen of the membership declaration form is displayed]

Review a brief introduction of the declaration in the welcome page.

Click ‘Membership Declaration’.

[Step 4 – declaration home screen is displayed showing the Constituting Order for the school council]

Your home page will include the following information:

instructions on how to fill the online form

the name of your school and

the Constituting Order of your school council.

Click ‘Summary’ to view a list of all members currently on your school council.

[Step 4 – Summary screen is displayed showing the details of the school council members]

To begin the declaration process, click ‘next’.

[Step 5 – Parent details screen is displayed, showing 4 fields to be filled]

Complete the details for parent members.

[‘Member position’ field is highlighted]

Is the member position filled or vacant?

[‘Member name’ field is highlighted]

What is the council member’s name?

[‘Current term start and end date’ fields are highlighted]

When does their term start and end?

[‘Is this parent member a department employee?’ field is highlighted]

Is this parent member a department employee?

[‘Office held’ field is highlighted]

Do they hold an office bearer role?

[‘Address’ field is highlighted]

The address can be c/- the principal

[‘Member position’ field is set to vacant and highlighted]

[‘Current term start and end date’ fields are highlighted]

If the position is vacant, include this detail with the term start and end date.

The number of members details to be filled in match your council’s Constituting Order. If your Constituting Order states that the council can have 4 parent members, you will have 4 parent details to fill out.

[Step 6 – ‘Save’ and ‘Next’ buttons are highlighted]

Once you have completed this page, click ‘Save’ and then ‘Next’.

You can save the form, and revisit it later to edit/complete prior to submitting the declaration. If you do not click save, the details you filled out will not be saved for when you log in next.

[Step 7 – ‘School Employee’, ‘Student’, ‘Community’, and ‘Nominees’ are highlighted on the Constituting Order]

Continue to complete the membership details accordingly for:

school employee members

student members (if applicable)

community members (if applicable)

nominee members (if applicable).

[Step 8 – Submission screen is displayed]

If you have not completed the mandatory fields, the summary page will list the omissions.

Please go back and complete these details.

[Screen shows the community member details being updated followed by the ‘next’ button being clicked]

[Step 9 – Submission screen is displayed, and the date and name fields are highlighted]

Once you have finished completing the form, include your name and the date of the declaration.

Click ‘Save’ and then ‘Submit declaration’.

If there are any changes to the member details, or if a vacancy has been filled during the year, you can edit the member details at a later date.

Once updated, click ‘save’.

You do not need to submit the declaration again.

[Video footage of a person typing on a computer keyboard is displayed]

[Step 9 – Summary screen is displayed, and the ‘Print’ button is highlighted]

[Video footage of archived folders and files is displayed]

As an ongoing history of your council’s membership, we recommend that you keep a soft and hard copy of the membership record at the school.

[Video footage of school students and school council members are displayed]

This declaration tool aims to streamline the compliance requirement to report the current and new membership details to the department.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact the School Operations and Governance Unit, Schools and Regional Services.

[Onscreen text starts]

School Operations and Governance Unit

Schools and Regional Services

Email: school.council@education.vic.gov.au

[Onscreen text ends]

[End screen displays The Education State – Victoria State Government – Department of Education logo]

[End of transcript]

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